The Antimatter Bomb is a device that use antimatter as an explosive for a bomb. It is subject to two delivery order, wich was given to Sam during his expedition.
Even before the Death Stranding there was evidence that regular lightning storms could generate antimatter, and research to make it feasible as a weapon was underway but slowed down by the very high cost and minimal production of antimatter. After the Stranding, research on chiral clouds make productions of antimattere much more sustainable, so much so that even a group of amateurs, at some point, manage to harness a chiral storm and produce antimatter. This forced Bridges to requisition all the antimatter produced, potentially lethal if in contact with normae matter, and to contain it into magnetic trap, thus creating Antimatter Bombs.
The Antimatter Bomb is a piece of heavy cargo that weighs 80.0 kilograms and very voluminous. At some point, a tar belt unexpectedly began forming just outside the Mountain Knot distribution center, putting the entire city at risk. It was until Aaron, the head of distribution, send an emergency order to Bridges HQ, that Sam came and delivery an Antimatter Bomb from the Distro Center near by to solve the situation and try to, unsuccesfully, connect Mountain Knot City to the chiral network. Some time later, Sam delivery a second bomb to the Paleontologist, to clear the zone from a tar formation and resume fossils excavations.
- An antimatter weapon is a theoretically possible device using antimatter as a power source, a propellant, or an explosive for a weapon.
- So far it appears that only two bombs have been produced, although there is a possibility that there may be more.