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Prepper Shelters is an interview in Death Stranding.


Back before the Stranding there was all kinds o' companies selling all kinds o' shelters. Hurricane-proof, earthquake-proof, disease-proof, war-proof, terror-proof—probably had a recession-proof model, for all I know. Any way you could picture it all going to hell, they had a shelter for it. And the guys buildin' ‘em? Military types, astronautical engineers, amateur enthusiasts—everybody and his uncle was out to make a buck. But if you wanted something that'd actually last, you had yourself three solid choices. First, there's your American Survival Shelters units. They were a global military hardware supplier. Used to build big government bunkers, nuclear shelters, all that. They started selling to the general consumer right before the Stranding. Damn good timing, huh? Anyway, those babies were the crème de la crème.

Next up, you had your Millennium Preppers. They made it big right after a string o' terror attacks. Started out selling bank vaults and reinforced containers and the like—wasn't hard for them to break into the shelter game, and they knew how to build ‘em tough.

Then there's your domestic guys: World Safety Housing. All about affordability, they were. Cheap and cheerful. Well, as cheerful as anyone could be after the Stranding... Still, they did a lotta good for a lotta folks after things went to shit.
