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Death Stranding Wiki

The Remote Stun Bomb is a a non-lethal thrown weapon.


The Remote Stun Bomb is an improved versione of the Stun Bomb, where the grenade is capable of sticking to surfaces and detonated remotely. The bomb is then designed to disperse an electric charge after detonation, more powerful of the Stun Bomb, rendering human target unconscious along with disabling vehicles for a couple of seconds. Like other "electric" weapons, use it near water increase its area of effect.

Remote Stun bombs come in packs of five, which are carried either as regular cargo or held inside a grenade pouch.


Name Descriptions Materials Required Size Weight Unlocked by
Remote Stun Bomb An improved version of the standard stun bomb, which is more powerful, and can be detonated remotely. Attaches itself to whatever it hits when thrown, and can then be detonated remotely at a point of your choosing, giving you precise control over the time and place at which its effects are triggered. Will stun and sometimes knock out humans and temporarily disabl vehicles. Will be effective over a wider area if discharged near water.

Use L2 to aim, and press and release R2 to throw. The longer you hold R2 for, the further the grenade will travel. Detonate with Square, but take note that the bomb cannot be triggered if it moves out of range.

S 1.5 kg Unlocked by reaching Connection Level 4 with the Junk Dealer