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Death Stranding Wiki

The Timefall Farmer is a prepper and delivery recipient of Sam's. As his name implies, he is a farmer who use the timefall to grow wheat.



Before being a farmer, the Timefall Farmer was an ecologist and, with his wife, the two begin a research into timefall's effects on plant life. While the timefall's radically altered the ecosystem of the entire continent, the two had the idea of trying to use it in human's advantage instead. At some point, during the planning of Bridges I expedition, Amelie become so interested in their research that she suggested it could be used to boost agricultural production.

During the expedition, the two stopped in a remote facility, located far to the south of the rest of the region, west of South Knot City. They chose that area to study the effects of timefall on plant life, but then they got to thinking it might be possible to reclaim crater soil; the two became farmers. At some point they made a request for a "friend" to develop an upgrade for their odradek -- a function to analyse the soils and choose the best spots to growing wheat. Unfortunately, it was lost when the terrorists destroyed Middle Knot City where their friend lived. The two were still keen to continue their research, even if in harsh conditions.

Sam's Westward Expedition[]

Sam made contact with him and his wife during his westward expedition to get the Timefall Farm to join the UCA and the chiral network. Joining the UCA enabled a connection between the farm and the Weather Station that made the farming experiment of their a runaway success, with the farm finally able to provide a constant supply of food. This included bread, pizza and a new beer, which the Farmer named Timefall Porter in honor of Sam.



