Death Stranding Wiki

To the Man Who Delivers: I’m Sorry🙏 is an email in Death Stranding.


First off, sorry for calling you a newbie last time. You’re Sam Bridges—a freaking living legend! And there I was, talking to you like this was your first day on the job.
Deadman was none too happy about me treating you like this was your first rodeo… Man, I do feel like a dumbass! If you’re the one helping us expand the network from coast to coast, we’re in safe hands for sure. Guess the day America rises from the ashes might not be so far off after all!
So you were a member of Bridges before you were a porter. And now you’re back in the shit after what, ten years? Suppose that means you outrank me…though I reckon you’re not the type to care about all that.
Out of curiosity, have you been using your private room to kick back and relax while listening to some music? The director asked us to hook you up with some tracks from Low Roar—said there’s no better way to unwind after a hard day. I checked them out myself, and I have to say he knows what he’s talking about. Really got the juices flowing. Oxytocin, too.
My favorite’s a track called Pop Virus, and I think you might like it too. Apparently it’s about a virus that destroys everything people think they know about music, allowing something completely new to be created in its place. Kind of like what you’re doing with America, right? Taking a busted foundation and rebuilding it to make something better in the long run. Give it a listen when you have a chance!😄

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