William Lake is a member of Bridges and currently stationed as the head of distribution of Lake Knot City.
William Lake was one of the members that Amelie choose for the first westward expedition and, just like the others, he was a fervent supporter of the reconstructionism promoted by Bridges. During the expedition he was assigned the role of head of distribution of the distro center near the harbor of Lake Knot City. At first Lake and the other staff members visited the various preppers in the area, mainly to test the waters and convince them to join the UCA, however only a few consented while many others, also thanks to the fact that the chiral network was not operational, they decided to remain as isolated as they always had.
However, after two years of silence and some messages from HQ, he and many others began to think that the area east of Lake Ground Zero had been completely destroyed, possibly due to the numerous and continuing terrorist attacks in the central region, and to lose the hopes of having a working Q-pid to be connected to the chiral network.
At some point, durig his westward expedition, Sam was ordered to delivers three containers of aid and, at the same time, finally connecting the distro center to the network, making Lake Knot City the first city of the region to connect.
- All About Preppers
- You've Got to Go the Extra Mile! 😄
- Don't Keep the Others Waiting
- Middle Knot City Got Nuked
- The Dream Came True!
- William Lake's scan model is a Japan-based American actor named Hershel Peppers.
- Based on the clothes he wears, William appears to be part of the Bridges Delivery Team.